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Selasa, 26 Januari 2010

Improve My Search Enggine Ranking With RSS

                                                  IMPROVE SEARCH ENGINE WITH RSS

1. RSS Feeds Provide Instant Themed Content?
Many publishers of RSS feeds that are specific to a particular theme. Since the feed is highly   targeted, it may contain many keywords that you wish to rank highly for. Adding these keywords to your pages helps Google Seach Engine tag your website jointly with relevant (your) content.

9 Reasons For Having A Website

9 Reasons For Having A Website

While promoting my website design business I contact many small and medium size enterprises who don't have a website. Sometimes it is the perceived cost of a website that puts them off, but more often it is the belief that no one will want to contact them via the internet. The same companies would be horrified at the thought of not being in the telephone directory, but they don't appreciate how pervasive the internet has become and how important it is to have a presence.

Digital Camera Tips - Beginning Concepts of Picture Composition

Digital Camera Tips - Beginning Concepts of Picture Composition

There are many great digital cameras on the market that allow users to take control of elements such as focus, exposure, lighting, and so forth. However, for the majority of consumers, a simple point and shoot camera is the device of choice. Although understanding and using appropriate lighting is critical to produce quality shots even with these cameras, basic picture composition must be the first consideration. If the composition of the image captured is poor, then great lighting, perfect exposure, and so forth will not remedy the problem.

Cell Phones - Tips for Better Pictures

Cell Phones - Tips for Better Pictures

Camera capabilities have become common on cell phones and, for some users, these camera phones are their only means of capturing and sharing images. Certainly, the camera within a cell phone is readily available and portable, making them a good option for more spontaneous photography. In addition, they are less conspicuous than all but the more compact stand alone digital cameras, allowing users to take more candid shots easily.

Practical Use of Open Source Code Software

Practical Use of Open Source Code Software

As we started the project of our web site, we knew that the proprietary software costs would be too high for our financial resources. Our only option then was to make use of Open Source Code softwares.

However, within the Open Source Code there are lots of softwares to choose from, and it´s up to the system analyst/programmer to pick the ones that best suit the project goals.

Cell Phone Features

Cell Phone Features

It's not a 21st century gadget. It was developed in 1947 in the form of a car mobile phone. The concept of cellular phone (telefone celular) was produced by Bell Laboratories with the permission of FCC (Federal Communication Commission), and had everything to do with broadcasting and sending a radio or television message out over the airwaves. But there was a scientist, who gave a new shape to the same device. Dr Martin Cooper, a former general manager in Motorola, made the first call on a portable cell phone back in 1973.

Anatomy of a Camcorder

Anatomy of a Camcorder

Camcorders are ingenious tools that allow us to record images of the events that make up our lives or to get creative and produce unique and interesting films that previously only professional videographers could craft. For beginners, it is important to understand a little bit about the basic anatomy of a camcorder in order to be better equipped to make a selection when shopping.

Senin, 25 Januari 2010

3 "Setting" Facebook yang Harus Anda Amankan

( telah mengirim artikel Yahoo! Indonesia Berita ke Anda
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3 "Setting" Facebook yang Harus Anda Amankan

Yahoo! Indonesia News -

Riset: Otak Facebooker Hanya Sanggup Berteman 150 Orang

( telah mengirim artikel Yahoo! Indonesia Berita ke Anda
Pesan pribadi:

Riset: Otak Facebooker Hanya Sanggup Berteman 150 Orang

Yahoo! Indonesia News -

Sabtu, 23 Januari 2010

Trik Mempercepat Browsing Smart Sebagai Modem PC

Cara seting Ponsel Haier D1200P untuk Modem PC dan untuk install dll sudah di sediakan dalam bentuk CD dalam pembelian Ponsel tersebut.
Panduan Instalasi USB driver dan pengaturan modem
1. Instalasi USB driver
Saat anda membeli Handphone D1200P akan disertakan PC suite-nya berupa CD yang berisi aplikasi USB Driver.

Rabu, 20 Januari 2010

Memanfaatkan kembali batere rusak


Mudah, silakan ikuti langkah-langkah dibawah ini dan anda dapat menghemat uang anda. Anda hanya perlu menyisihkan waktu luang anda dan (kalau bisa) anda kerjakan sendiri. Sebagai contoh, saya ambil batere laptop:

Selasa, 19 Januari 2010

Aku Dan Kebebasan

Aku lahir di Gunungkidul. Sebuah kabupaten di wilayah Propinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Dari keluarga biasa yang hidupnya biasa juga. Tapi aku selalu bercita-cita menjadi luar biasa (entah bisa gak yaa....).
Newbee di dunia maya. Belajar, belajar dan ingin selalu belajar. Lahir dan merangkak di dalam dunia yang semakin tua. Mengais dan mengendus segala hal yang berbau ilmu. Mungkin aku gila dengan ini. Tapi aku tak peduli. Selama aku masih bisa berbagi dengan mereka, mengapa aku harus khawatir? Toh akhirnya semua juga akan kembali pada-Nya. Dan mengapa aku harus juga memendam ilmu (yang tidak seberapa ini) yang aku miliki. Sedangkan mereka membutuhkannya?
 Belajar berbagi adalah salah satu upaya mengurangi beban hidup yang semakin lama semakin berat. Kalau kita mampu berbagi (ilmu apa saja --------->>> tidak melanggar HAM, No Sex, No Rasis, No Porn ), mengapa harus dipendam? Bukankah amal dan ilmu kita semakin bertambah? Mengapa harus takut untuk berbagi imu?   Sedangkan Rasulullah SAW pun memerintahkan lewat sebuah hadist untuk mencari ilmu walau sampai negeri China. Ilmu membuat kita terbebas dari suku, ras, kasta, agama dan tingkatan sosial. Kalau kita bicara kebebasan, adakah Kebebasan yang nyata itu? Kalau aku bilang tidak ada. Karena Kebebasan kita dibatasi oleh orang lain  Dan kebebasan yang benar-benar bebas hanya bersemayam di pikiran kita masing-masing.
Kembali ke aku. Lahir, besar dan sekolah sampai SMA di Gunungkidul. Melanjutkan perguruan tinggi di Kota Gudeg Yogyakarta.